Friday, 27 November 2009

Feeback from ex-art editor Future Music Magazine

The overall design lets me know what kind of band we’ve got here straight away. Moody. Avant garde (grown up speak for indie). Leftfield. It’s nice that you’ve used – what I guess – are the band members in the advert too.

Nice work on the photo manipulation, the black and white to colour looks professional. Though when you decide to roll-out the tour posters maybe talk to iStockphoto about buying the TV image... [cough]

Great name - Apollo Station. Maybe look at taking the NME rating down a notch, it’s great to have a qualifier from an independent source that people trust for finding new music, but it seems odd to dominate the album title.

The Girls on TV typography is fun, the way it works with the television set – you can see the begging's of a logo/icon for the merchandise. But I struggled to get the TV bit straight away. It might work better if the T and V were placed underneath the set, letters side-by-side. And White too.

Considering you are AV students and not graphic designers, it’s impressive stuff.

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