Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Similar Music Video

To give us ideas and inspire us with our music video, we looked at a range of video's that match our song genre which is indie rock with a female lead. We looked alot at the Gossip to see how they portrayed the female lead and showed the performance of the rest of the band. This lead us to looking at other video's that represented the tempo and style of our song. (upbeat, fast tempo, and busy beats) The song reminded me of OK GO's 'Here it goes again' because of the fast tempo. We wanted to something similar with either lots of fast shots or lots of things happening in the shots to give the effect of confusion and rushing.

We liked this video because of how original yet clever the concept was.
With Girls on TV I think that our lead woman singer unlike the OK GO video where the whole band is featured all the time, will be shown on her own for some of the time. She will be the centre of attention on camera some of the time, this will be shown by her position on camera and her bright costume and make up.

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